Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Warning: Not suitable for children. And possibly adults, too.

What is with the fascination of men's balls? First of all, they aren't that great looking (Remember Seinfeld's Good Naked and Bad Naked? Nuff said.) Secondly, no one wants to see them just hanging out there for the world to see. Real or not.

Allow me to prove my point:

A closer look:

Why?! Just why??? I certainly wouldn't want to put my hand on that thing. (Those things?)

And then apparently no man's vehicle is complete without its own pair:

But let us not forget the ladies! You all need your own pair, too! As a fashion accessory:

See? You can have your own pair for the low low price of $1800.00.

Finally, we don't want to leave out our canine companions. Now we all know that spaying and neutering is a must these days because of the overpopulation of unwanted animals. But for those pet owners that do not want their best boys to do without, I offer you... Neuticles:

Implants for your pup!

Point proven.


  1. IDK, they certainly are not the prettiest body part lol. I would never have those things hanging on my door, I only want them hanging on my man lmao!



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